When I read the guidbook before coming here, it said things like 'leave the rucksack at home and use a carrier bag and you'll fit in just like a local' as well as giving advice on not carrying cameras and gadgets in crowded areas unless you want to be relieved of them. It's not like that at all now. In fact, if you haven't got the right 'designer' gear on or there isn't an iPhone placed proudly next to your capuccino then you're bound to stand out like a sore thumb. I guess this blatant display of wealth is a big hangover from the 'old days' when very few people had anything.

Moscow is, however, a really beautiful place. Some of the architecture is just stunning, especially around Red Square. In fact, Red Square got it's name not from the colour of the buildings, nor the colour of communism, but because Red is a similar sounding word to the Russian word for beautiful - apparently. Maria told me this, too. St Basil's is gawdy, but in the same way as Blackpool Illuminations or Brighton Pier are and I wouldn't change a thing. We saw Lenin, lying in state in his mausoleum earlier today and he was looking quite well - surprisingly! Then again, if I had a weekly brush down and was dipped in wax every couple of months, I would probably look more well preserved than I currently do too! Off to The Kremlin tomorrow before taking our place on the Trans-Siberian Express in the evening.
We've stocked up on cuppa-soups and biscuits; I wonder who we'll be sharing with...
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